InternetSearchEngineStockscom Reports - Mobile Search Opens New Opportunities for Google, AskMeNow, Microsoft and Answerscom
Released on = December 6, 2005, 8:42 am
Press Release Author = eCon Investor Relations
Industry = Computers
Press Release Summary = (ISES), reports on the growing opportunities within the mobile arena in search and advertising, exemplified by movements of firms such as Microsoft Corp. (NASDAQ: MSFT), AskMeNow (OTCBB: OWHC -InfoByPhone Corp. d.b.a. AskMeNow, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Ocean West Holding Corp.), Google, Inc., and Answers Corporation (NASDAQ: ANSW).
Press Release Body = Reports - Mobile Search Opens New Opportunities for Google, AskMeNow, Microsoft and
Changes in Search see Growing Number of Investments Towards Mobile Applications
POINT ROBERTS, Wash., December 6th, 2005 - (ISES), reports on the growing opportunities within the mobile arena in search and advertising, exemplified by movements of firms such as Microsoft Corp. (NASDAQ: MSFT), AskMeNow (OTCBB: OWHC -InfoByPhone Corp. d.b.a. AskMeNow, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Ocean West Holding Corp.), Google, Inc., and Answers Corporation (NASDAQ: ANSW). In addition, perspectives on the activity with the mobile environment are provided by Robert Enderle, President and Principal Analyst of the Enderle Group.
Article Excerpt: Mobility, Re-Shaping the World of Search
By Ann-Marie Fleming, November 2005
The mobile arena is heating up as a variety of traditional Internet search firms have turned their attention to mobile search applications. As this movement picks up from companies such as Google, Yahoo! and Microsoft, questions still surround feasible revenue models to take advantage of the growing number of mobile users, through innovative search services.
There are key differences between the ways that companies provide search services on the Internet versus a mobile device. While handsets have come a long way in their level of sophistication, the fact remains that screens are small, users are on-the-go and information must be direct.
Google is also focused on the mobile behavior as a model to shape their services by. "We continue to focus on the best possible user experience in the mobile arena. In the last 12 months we have launched a great deal of products focused on easing the customer's interactions with the mobile device. The goal is to make sure that users get content that is relevant as well as formatted for their devices. We do things such as taking sidebar links and putting them appropriately on the face so they do not take up the first ten screens," describes Deep Nishar, Director of Product Management.
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AskMeNow (OTCBB: OWHC) is a revolutionary new service that can answer any question you have, anywhere, anytime. Use your cell phone or BlackBerry� handheld to ask a question-through e-mail or a simple phone call-and the answer is promptly sent back to your handheld device via text message or e-mail. You can use it to manage your time and effort efficiently. Tend to other tasks and avoid the headaches of Internet search engines or waiting on hold for an operator while AskMeNow finds the information you need. InfoByPhone Corp. d.b.a. AskMeNow, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Ocean West Holding Corp.
For more information on AskMeNow, click here:
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For more information contact: Dawn Van Zant 800.665.0411 Ann-Marie Fleming 866.725.2554 Email:, or
Source:, Microsoft, AskMeNow, Google, Answers Corp
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Contact Details = Dawn Van Zant 800.665.0411 Ann-Marie Fleming 866.725.2554 Email:, or
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